E-mail Us

In order to contact us, you can choose from a number of e-mail addresses, depending on the problem with which you are contacting us. Using the appropriate e-mail address will significantly shorten the waiting time for a reply.

Support4Ukraine@wosp.ie - Anything related to helping current situation with Ukraine.

Volunteers4Ukraine@wosp.ie - Wanna help with sorting goods being sent to Ukraine, email us to this address.

events@wosp.ie - this address will help you answering questions on the most strategic events in Dublin and Ireland.

media@wosp.ie - matters related to Social Media, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and our presence in local written media.

info@wosp.ie - If you do not know where exactly to direct your inquiry - also write here. We will direct your e-mail to the right place

The Great Orchestra of Polish Hearts Association - Team Dublin

In aid of: The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity Foundation, Poland, Warsaw

3 Palmers Glade, Dublin 20

CRO: 660912

Tel: +353 87 1137737
